The purpose of this page is to provide the Alberta Government, Clients, Contractors, Students and Staff with the precautions and the procedures that Calgary Pilates Centre will strictly adhere to to reopen our business doors.
Calgary Pilates Centre is a STOTT Licensed Training Centre, a Pilates studio offering private instruction and small group classes (maximum 10 patrons) and a treatment center offering massage and osteopathy.
Given the nature of our business, we are accustomed to enacting and following robust protocols to ensure careful adherence to the health and safety considerations associated with serving the needs of our clients and students. We have created this set of procedures and guidelines for ministerial review and approval to proceed in reopening our business with explicit understanding of the core requirements to do so:
● Ensuring active daily screening of staff, contractors, students, clients, and all visitors for all COVID-19 symptoms recognized by Alberta Health.
● Ensuring gathering sizes are maintained at or below established thresholds under Provincial and regional Public Health and Emergency Orders.
● Ensuring staff are aware, reminded and supported in the event of requirement to self-isolate if showing symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19.
● Ensuring hygiene protocols are clearly communicated to and followed by all staff, contractors, students, clients and all visitors and that the tools to provide education and reinforcement of these practices are present, including posters, equipment and supplies at the place of business.
● Ensuring the cleaning and disinfection protocols are clearly communicated to and followed by all employees and contractors, and that students, clients and visitors help where they can help to keep all areas tidy, clean, and sanitary.
Contact Tracking
● Studio owner and/or designate will communicate frequently with employees, contractors and visitors with clear signage and notices regarding when it is necessary to Stay Home from their class or their work at the studio.
● The business will track all absences digitally from classes, as they occur, to assist with contact tracing in the event the absence is due to illness with symptoms or diagnosis consistent with COVID-19.
● The business will provide records for the purpose of conducting contact-tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic response to manage the public health emergency under the Public Health Act. Due to the nature of registered and scheduled clientele and staff, records can be easily provided.
Sick Workers
If a worker does come to work sick, or becomes sick while at work, the following requirements apply:
● Employee/contractors who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath) upon arrival to the workplace, or become sick while at the workplace, should begin isolation at home immediately.
● Symptomatic employees/contractors should follow hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette and maintain at least 2 meters away from other employees, contractors and patrons while leaving the premises.
● Once a sick individual has left the workplace, we will clean and disinfect all surfaces and areas with which they may have come into contact.
● The owner/manager will immediately record the names of all close contacts of the sick worker has been in contact with that day and in the 48 hours prior to when the symptoms started in the case. This information may be necessary if the sick worker later tests positive for COVID-19.
Worker diagnosed with COVID-19
CMOH Order 05-2020 legally requires individuals to be in isolation for a minimum of 10 days if they have tested positive for COVID-19.
● For clarity, the isolation period is 10 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer.
● If a worker is confirmed to have COVID-19, and it is determined that other people may have been exposed to that person, Alberta Health Services (AHS) may be in contact with the business to provide the necessary public health guidance. Records may be sought up to two-weeks prior to the individual becoming ill.
● The company will work cooperatively with AHS to ensure those potentially exposed to the individual receive the correct guidance
Studio owner or designate will ensure daily screening of staff, contractors, patrons and service delivery personnel for cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, or shortness of breath. Anyone reporting or presenting with these symptoms will be required to return home.
1. Do you have any of the below symptoms:
Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Runny nose
2. Have you, or anyone in your household travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days?
3. Have you or anyone in your household been in contact in the last 14 days with someone who is being investigated or confirmed to be a case of COVID-19?
4. Are you currently being investigated as a suspect case of COVID-19?
5. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days?
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
● Hand sanitation stations have been set up throughout the studio
● Hand washing with soap and water is required if the employee or volunteer has
visibly dirty hands.
● Glove use alone is not a substitute for hand hygiene. Hands should be cleaned
before and after using gloves.
● Everyone should make every effort to follow respiratory etiquette (e.g., coughing
or sneezing into a bent elbow, promptly disposing of used tissues in a lined garbage bin).
Cleaning and Disinfecting
● Clients, Students, and Instructors will use a “wipe-twice” method to clean and disinfect equipment and props used.
● All equipment surfaces will be wiped with a cleaning/disinfecting bleach agent, let sit for 10 minutes and then wiped again with warm water.
● All props and equipment cloth straps will be sprayed with an alcohol solution. Please allow for 10 minutes before using again.
● Frequent cleaning and disinfecting by Instructors and Staff for all high touch/shared surface areas.
Distancing & Gatherings in the Workplace
● Maintain a 2-meter separation between individuals
● The number of people in the studio and one time will be restricted based on current provincial and city recommendations.
● The studio main entrance will be used to enter the studio and the emergency back door will now be used as an exit for the studio. Hand sanitation stations have been set up at both doors.
● Patrons will arrive right at the start of their appointment and leave immediately after enabling the instructor to fully disinfect the area for the next client.
● Appointments will be carefully spaced out to ensure limited contact with others. A waiting area will be provided with 2 meters taped marked between chairs.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
● PPE is necessary when physical distancing of 2 meters or physical barriers cannot be maintained by administrative and engineering controls. PPE controls the hazard at the worker, volunteer, and patron level.
● All Staff, Contractors and Instructors are to wear PPE masks while in the studio. PPE should be used and maintained as per the manufacturer’s instruction for use, so it can perform its intended function to protect themselves and others. In cases of hands on therapy, PPE should be discarded between patrons.
● Massage Clients are to wear PPE masks during their massage.
● Pilates Clients and visitors are encouraged to wear masks while in the studio.
Government of Alberta (Alberta Health) – COVID-19 Information for Albertans
Alberta Health Services – COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool
Government of Canada – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
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Photography © Merrithew Corporation
™ / ® Trademarks or Registered Trademarks of Merrithew Corporation, used under license.
We are now located at
Mayfair Place Suite 231
6707 Elbow Drive SW